
Friday, 1 April 2016

Allergy Alphabet - Blogging A to Z day 1

Yes, I know the last time I joined a blog challenge it ended in disaster with me not writing anything for six months but still...

I've joined another one! The blogging from A to Z challenge. I think this one should be easier to stick to though - no more taking strange prompts and trying to make them fit my blog. The only rule with this one is that I have to work through the alphabet with a blog post for each letter. Lots of people are choosing a theme for their alphabet so I thought I would do an allergy alphabet to explain more about Monkey's allergies - what they are and how they affect her and us as a family.

So let's get started!

A is for Allergies

I mention Monkey's allergies quite a lot on this blog.  But what exactly are allergies? Who has them? What do they do? 

Allergy UK say an allergy is a response by the immune system to an usually harmless substance it sees as a threat. In Monkey's case it is certain foods that are seen as harmful.

There is so much to allergies that I couldn't possibly fit it all into one blog post. I'm hoping that with this challenge I'll be able to talk about all the different aspects in much more detail.

I'll be back tomorrow with letter B.


  1. Got a few of those myself. Smart start to the A-Z.

    Doing 7 blogs this year for the challenge. Here we go!

    1. Dairy, soya, egg and wheat are the main ones here. Allergies are a pain.

      Seven - I think one is a challenge!Good luck.

  2. Ooh love the idea of an alphabet of blog posts! Looking forward to learning about monkeys allergies. Hopefully it'll help me explain to Lot.

    1. The video is from They have some good stuff for helping to explain to kids x

  3. This sounds like fun. A bit hard though, lol. I'm following you on FB and Google+ now. Found you on the Weekend Blog Share.

    1. Some days are going to be trickier than others I think. I've more or less got my list sorted but still need things for X, Y and Z.
      Thanks for following

  4. So glad to have found you, I am collecting allergies through my life and it's not fun but it's doable. My latest is dairy and is the hardest so far but I can't believe how much better I feel now I'm off it. #mmbc

    1. Dairy was Monkey's first allergy diagnosed at three months. It is tough as it's in EVERYTHING but like you she's been much better since she was off it, even if she has added more to her collection!

  5. Allergy Alphabet is an informative theme to have and I look forward to learning more about allergies. I wish there was a way to get rid of all of them. :-( #AtoZChallenge

    1. So do I! Maybe one day they'll find a way but at least for now people are more aware and there are more free from foods (even if they are stupidly priced!)
